Now Hiring: Program Manager
The responsibility of this full-time position is coordinating routine processes for grant making within Deaconess Foundation’s program portfolio and relationship management and constituency support services to the Foundation’s volunteers and prospective/funded partners. The position assures effectiveness of grant making program operations by enhancing communication with partners and devising and implementing efficiencies of workflow. The Program Manager will...
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Request for Proposals: Strategic Priority Refinement
Deaconess Foundation is seeking proposals from consultants/agencies/firms to provide strategy refinement and facilitation services to ensure the Foundation’s public policy priorities are inclusive and reflect the wisdom and vision of the community in Eastern Missouri and Southern Illinois. The consultant/agency/firm will design and facilitate a community and participant-centered equity-driven process that will yield recommended public...
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February Newsletter | We’re In This Together, Still
Deaconess Community, As we celebrate Black History Month, I am exceedingly grateful for all the leaders, system-changers, healers, abolitionists, revolutionaries, and trailblazers that have come before us. In living the Deaconess mission, we strive to carry on their legacy as we focus on elevating and developing liberatory practices to heal ourselves, each other and our communities...
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January Newsletter | The Power of a Praying Woman
Deaconess Community, This season I am thankful for the opportunity to reflect on the blessings this year has brought. While there is so much for us to do together in the months and years ahead, I want to take a moment to celebrate all who have made our work possible and our impact tangible. I...
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