January Newsletter | Blessings & Favor
Deaconess Community,
The year 2023 has been gifted to us. Each year I inquire of the Lord to know what my focus should become. I am not big on making new resolutions at the start of a new year, but I am big on, “doing the will of Him that sent me and to accomplish His work.” (John 17:25).
The year 2023 is a year to pronounce blessings and favor. We are powerful by our very nature of being created in the image of God. “The tongue has the power of life and death” (Proverbs 18:21). We create the future by first, speaking it, then believing it while working towards it becoming our reality. Examine the words that you speak. What power do you unleash in your life and in the world by what you say?
Deaconess Foundation has a 100-year vision in mind. We speak into existence the realization of a beloved and thriving community where the allocation and realization of power and the distribution of resources, benefits and opportunities bless our children and our children’s children to the seventh generation. Data proves and we intrinsically know that when Black families and the oppressed are unsaddled from burdens, the beloved community becomes possible.
Thank you in advance for joining us on this seven-generation journey. Enjoy and embrace the pronouncement of blessings and favor for 2023 and beyond.
Blessings and favor will overshadow me.
I will not live in the old, I will live in the new.
I release old mental models that no longer serve my liberation or the liberation of our people.
I am single minded and focused.
My mind is clear, sound and healed. My body will fall into alignment with my mind.
I will find joy and abide there.
I will walk in new strength and right directions.
I will sing new songs.
Love will find me, and I will embrace love.
I will enjoy abundant harvest.
I will operate in new boldness.
A new river will flow in my life.
My mourning will turn into dancing.
I will go where the Spirit leads me.
God is with me.
God is within me.
God is with US.
In service to the will of the Spirit and the mission,
Bethany Johnson-Javois
President & CEO
Deaconess Foundation
To read the rest of our December newsletter click here.