book cover of The Broken Heart of America

Racial Healing Is Critical to [Economic] Recovery

by Rev. Dr. Starsky Wilson On April 14, when St. Louis was under shelter-in-place orders due to COVID-19, Walter Johnson, a Missouri native and professor at Harvard University released a new book. Weaving national taproots from the slave trade and Indian Wars through the police killing of Michael Brown, Jr., the text is entitled The Broken Heart of America: St. …

I can't breathe graphic illustration

How Do You Handle Black Death?

by Rev. Dr. Starsky Wilson Yesterday, I yelled at my sons. I am no saint. It was not the first time. But it was different. This was not simply a ‘you can make better grades than this’ or ‘why can’t you keep your room clean’ moment. I went off. They were being boys. Playing their Nintendo Switch games. Because my …

Deaconess Announces $2.2 Million Emergency Support for Black-Led Organizations

April 27, 2020 Deaconess Foundation is seeking to partner with local Black-led social service and social change organizations to invest a total of $2.2 million in support of COVID-19 relief and recovery efforts in the St. Louis region. The funding will support sustaining Black-led organization’s capacity to respond to community needs during the pandemic. The Equitable Relief and Recovery Fund …

Rev. Dr. Starsky Wilson

National Network Names Deaconess Foundation’s Starsky Wilson for Highest Honor

April 24, 2020 ABFE: A Philanthropic Partnership for Black Communities, recently named the Rev. Dr. Starsky Wilson, president and CEO of Deaconess Foundation in St. Louis, as recipient of its highest individual honor. He was designated the 2020 Ambassador James A. Joseph Lecturer on Philanthropy. The announcement came Friday, April 17, at the conclusion of a three-day annual conference hosted …